Greywater consists of all wastewater with the exception of black (raw sewage). In a domestic home up to 70% of the wastewater is grey making it a valuable and easily renewable resource. Clearedge Projects has developed a greywater treatment plant called the Bac2Blue, which captures greywater and purifies it to a level safe for irrigation and toilet recycle.
The advantages of separating the blackwater form greywater are numerous:
Lowers the volume and size of the septic or conservancy tank
Reduces the soak-away or evapotranspiration area needed
Recycles up to 70% of the daily water usage
Can be linked to rainwater storage tanks
Greywater recycling can assist developers with points towards Green Building ratings
Sewage can be diverted to a dedicated blackwater treatment plant
We have a range of Bac2Blue systems catering for both the industrial and domestic market.