Clearedge supplied 3 Containerised Wastewater Treatment Systems to Kookfontein mine near Rustenburg. The order was placed through Raubex.
When designing our systems the 2 most important factors to consider are:
Effluent strength (measured in COD)
Volume of effluent to be treated
Domestic sewage has a COD of between 650-750mg/L COD which is easily treated with the Clearedge Process.
A widely-used and proven figure of 250L/person/day of effluent was used to size these systems. We supplied 2 x 30 000L/day and 1 x 20 000L/day systems, capable of treating effluent from 80-100 and 120-150 people/day respectively. The 'People' vs. 'Volume' difference comes in where not all the people who are served by the system are on site all the time. For example, workers may spend the majority of their day off site and only contribute to the system's volume in the evenings. All things to considder in sizing a system correctly.

Clearege Projects specialises in solutions for remote sites. We have a proud history of supplying robust, low-maintenance systems that keep working.
Contact us today for an obligation-free proposal for your site.
Francois - MD
072 225 6362
Mat - CEO
082 453 3593